About SAAM
As the leading autonomous mobility platform in Switzerland, SAAM aims to shape the mobility of tomorrow sustainably by providing a place of exchange and collaboration between its members with a focus on concrete projects and by accompanying new policies.
Autonomous mobility can only be addressed in a holistic approach. For this reason, SAAM is organised in eight Working Groups called the “8 Ambitions”. Each Ambition aims to reach the vision of SAAM by focusing on a specific aspect of autonomous mobility while enabling members to work together on in an interdisciplinary format. Through this organisation, SAAM intends to create value and outputs thanks to concrete exchanges of information & know-how between members and by carrying out innovative projects accross Switzerland.
As the leading autonomous mobility platform in Switzerland, SAAM aims to implement new mobility services by sharing knowledge between its members, collaborating on projects and accompanying new policies.

Focus Topics
The major topics to be addressed today are regulation, social acceptance and technology.
Social Acceptance

Ambitions enable to create value and inputs through interdisciplinary working groups.

Funding Models
SAAM identifies and uses alternative financing models to fulfill its ambitions.
Ambition Leader: Niels Nijdam (UniGe)

SAAM enables and accelerates the implementation of autonomous vehicles into the Swiss mobility system.
Ambition Leader: Freya Hofmann (Ioki)

International Network & Ranking
SAAM counts on a solid international network and reaches the top 3 position in global rankings for autonomous driving.
Ambition Leader: Christoph Zeier (AMAG)

Knowledge Sharing
SAAM establishes sharing of knowledge and experience on autonomous driving between companies, academies and institutions.
Ambition Leader: Martin Zahn (VBZ)

Legal Framework
SAAM contributes to new legislation and standardisation of technical norms.
Ambition Leader: Thomas Probst (SwissMoves)

SAAM is organized and structured to achieve its vision, mission and ambitions.
Ambition Leader: Martin Neubauer (SAAM/PostAuto)

Public Awareness
SAAM spreads awareness on AVs and studies the conditions to achieve social acceptance.
Ambition Leader: Maurizio Caon (SwissMoves)

Technology Development
SAAM supports the research and development of autonomous mobility in Switzerland.
Ambition Leader: Niels Nijdam (UniGe)